Real-time Data
High speed data processing
No errors in the data
Lowest processing requirements to enable deployment in edge and cloud devices
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July 30, 2018: Symbyon Systems is pleased to announce the availability for sublicensing of PATENT RIGHTS or COPYRIGHTS of LDPC based error correction systems for nonvolatile memory systems such as RRAM.
July 30, 2018: Symbyon Systems is pleased to announce the availability for sublicensing of PATENT RIGHTS or COPYRIGHTS of LDPC based error correction systems for IEEE 802.11n standard wireless systems.
September 6, 2017: Symbyon Systems has obtained NSF supplemental funding.
July 31, 2017: Symbyon Systems is pleased to announce the availability for sublicensing of PATENT RIGHTS or COPYRIGHTS of binary and non-binary LDPC for hard drive systems.
September 15, 2016: Symbyon Systems has obtained NSF SBIR Phase 2 funding.
July 29, 2016: Symbyon Systems announces availability for sublicensing of PATENT RIGHTS and COPYRIGHTS for flash memory systems.
June 15, 2015: Symbyon Systems has obtained NSF SBIR Phase 1 funding.
Symbyon Systems has obtained a grant to apply LDPC technology to flash memory. The need for powerful error correction is critical for extending the life of flash memory as feature size decreases and chip capacity increases. Symbyon Systems will combine the superior performance of Texas A&M architecture with state of the art approaches to other flash related problems such as error floor and lack of soft information.
June 8, 2015: Symbyon Systems has obtained exclusive rights to patented LDPC technology
Symbyon Systems secured an exclusive license to patented LDPC (Low Density Parity Check) decoder technology developed at Texas A&M University. This Technology comprises simplified algorithms and novel hardware architectures. It has been proven through use in high volume hard disk drive read channels. It is widely recognized as the most efficient LDPC decoder technology for supporting the design of fast, low power and small area LDPC decoders. Symbyon Systems will develop tools to facilitate the use of Texas A&M LDPC IP for multiple target markets including Flash Memory, high speed WiFi wireless communications, Object Storage etc. Symbyon Systems will handle all future licensing for the Texas A&M LDPC IP through an exclusive license.
Symbyon Systems
1920 W Villa Maria Rd, Ste 301
Bryan, TX 77807
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